domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

new's year's concert

the past 3th of january I went to a concert, the name of the concert was new year concert, the concert was in Cocentaina, Cocentaina is in Alacant.
in that concert played a friends, I went to that concert with my fathers and the fathers of my friends,
their fathers are friends of my fathers.
the objective of the concert was present the new possible director of the musical atheneum of Cocentaina.
The songs that the musician played's was: sad waltz of jean sibeliushungarian hornpipe nº6 of brahms
hungarian hornpipe nº 5 of brahmsat the banks of the blue danube of johan strauss
Pizzicato Polka by Johann Straussthe typewriterCavalleria Rusticana by Mascagni and other more classical songs.
I liked the concert but when played the sad    waltz my brother started to sleep till the concert finished.

the concert have 26 years old, the concert that I went was the XXVI edition.

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015

Santa's nigth

Hi, happy xmas!!
The past nigth of santa I were with my mother family, in Oliva, I was in Oliva because I have to celebrate the xmas with both parts of my family, my father's family part and my mother family part. In that nigth I have fun with my cousin, we played football and we played together with the phone, a cooperative game, we played all in the same game. 
And when was the 00:00 of the nigth we went to play football and sail my brother, because we didn't have anything better to do, when we was very, very, very boring we went to search the pressent of santa and my brother shouted: come here I found the presents!!
And when I went to saw the presents.
I find two things were in there put my name and I took it and when I opened the present I found this:
my opinion about the amount of the pressents is, if you have to many
things it should be possible that you won't use all, and I prefeer less things because  I had get the things that I need 
but if exist the possibility that I will have all the time that I need of course I want a lot of things. But is my opinion and I hope you an HAPPY NEW YEAR